C J R Duncan


I am a scientist who shoots stuff — such as atomically thin 2D materials and metal nanostructures — with ultrashort laser pulses. The laser energy causes my targets to evolve in cool ways over a few trillionths of a second. I film these changes with an ultrashort electron beam, enabling me to see my targets move on the atomic scale.


I currently work as a researcher at the Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca. I earned my PhD in Physics from Cornell University in 2022. You can find my CV here, and links to a few of my research highlights below.

"Multi-scale time-resolved electron diffraction", Ultramicroscopy (2023)

We resolve, in ultrafast electron diffraction, the effects of van der Waals interlayer forces on a twisted heterobilayer.


"A kiloelectron-volt ultrafast electron micro-diffraction apparatus", Struct. Dyn. (2022)

We report the performance of our bespoke ultrafast electron diffraction beamline, including a demonstration of ultrafast multiple scattering effects in thin gold films.


"Lossless Monochromation for Electron Microscopy", Phys. Rev. Appl. (2020)

We show in simulation, and explain with an analytic model, how rf cavities can both monochromate a pulsed electron beam and correct lens abberations.


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